A Beautiful Life

Imagine a beautiful life. Imagine it is as effortless as this drawing of Mary Magdalene. It has a few fixes, but the lines are quick and playful, the face serene, the seven flowers an easy formula.
I aspire to ease, flow, happiness, peace, and a joyful everyday existence. These are some of the elements of beauty.
I have a few fixes in my trajectory, so I have been letting go of trying to control what doesn’t depend on me. I do the best I can at all times, but I don’t insist on what my heart and body refuse.
I move quickly and playfully. Dancing between two personas, the artist and the manager. This is the best way I have found to be two people at once: when I need to choose, I choose compassion and trust myself. The wise ones understand. The immature expect to be punished and controlled. I refuse to be someone I’ll never be.
My face is not always serene, but I am confident in my most important work: I raised my son in relative freedom. I always felt good enough as a mother. Looking back, I would have given even more freedom. I would have homeschooled him and taken him on long trips to Galapagos and Africa. But I also had my art to raise. And they both needed a future. My son is a good person, his own person. He’s someone I enjoy talking to and observing from a distance. Someone with passions and commitments. He’s truly a work of art. We always think that we could have done even more, even better, but it’s worth valuing what is as it is.
I aspire to wisdom. There is no easy formula, but I have planted many seeds. I water them each day with knowledge and practice. I envision them grown. Sunflowers facing the Sun.
My heart vibrates with precognition. The Magdalene’s hand made of white light, briefly touches mine made of heavy flesh. One of my cells has transformed. It must teach my whole body what it has learned.