On Mary Magdalene's Feast Day
Mary Magdalene's Garden, 16" x 20", Acrylic on Canvas, by Tanya Torres, 2020. Life has been challenging in the last couple of years. And...

An Intimate Mary Magdalene Celebration
So many years ago, I used to write almost every day, I had a beautiful place to work, full of light and filled with all the good energy...

Heart Healing Words
"María Magdalena siempre había llamado mi atención, cualquier cosa de ella me atraía, en mi despertar espiritual he comprendido que...

A Dream in Progress
[In this post I will begin guiding you in painting your own Dark Magdalene. Begin at the end of the post.] My life has changed so much...

Her Fire Continues...
One of the most beautiful moments of 2018 and my entire life was the invitation to present a reflection at the Magdala Prayer Service of...

Two New Artworks
The Virgin's Heart Tanya Torres Acrylic on canvas 8" wide x 10" high 2018 See on my Etsy Store I have been working a lot with materials...

Painting With Prayer and the Fire of Passion
Magdala Prayer Service of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Office of Peace, Justice and Care for Creation CIncinnatti, USA It is an...

Painting The Dark Magdalene with Tanya Torres
Join Painting the Dark Magdalene, a workshop in which you will learn my technique of prayerful painting as well as how to create your own...

The Dark Magdalene Dance Meditation With Corazon Tierra
Dancing the Dark Magdalene: A Meditative Performance Experience Sunday, July 1, 2:00 PM Enjoy and participate in a meditative dance...

Painting the Dark Magdalene
Experience the benefits of hands-on creativity and Painting as Prayer. Paint your own Dark Magdalene, using the same materials the artist...